Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS) is a connector for the poor and working poor. We offer services to all who need them as well as services offered by other outstanding nonprofits in our county and region.

SFBFS partners with the SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District) EnergyHELP program to help keep the lights on for qualified, low-income customers in jeopardy of having their power disconnected due to hardship issues. Funded by voluntary contributions from customers, SFBFS assists the EnergyHELP program by contacting and distributing funds to those customers selected by SMUD.

SMUD customers should not contact SFBFS directly to receive EnergyHELP assistance. SMUD contacts potential recipients by phone to verify eligibility, then SFBFS contacts pre-qualified customers to complete the assistance process and refer them to other community services.

For more information about EnergyHELP, call 1-888-742-7683.