Why are we


Warehouse employee


It's simple. We believe in Sacramento County.

At Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS), we are part of a broader vision and mission where all people can live their best life. To address the socioeconomic issues that we face as a county, it requires an understanding of how we can individually—and collectively—work toward positive change.

Here, positive change starts with a steadfast belief that every life has worth, that every human being should be valued equally and fully. When we treat the clients we serve with dignity and respect, we remove the shame and fear that frequently comes with their circumstances and open the door to self-sufficiency on the road ahead.


Our work is transforming our county one person at a time. We will not rest until all people can lead a life of self-sufficiency.

—BLAKE YOUNG, President & CEO


What services do we provide?

We’re more than just food.

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS) aims to feed our community, literally and figuratively, by engineering solutions to help move neighbors toward a more prosperous and healthy future. And that includes more than food! We also provide free emergency goods and services in a safe space for hope to grow without judgement among neighbors that value every human experience.


All are welcome here.

We care not about one’s background, faith beliefs, cultural heritage or the circumstance that introduced them to us. We care only that each person is welcomed with a smile, is connected to resources they need and leaves with a smile on their face too.

Our work is more critical than ever before.

The number of people we support each month has increased over the years to meet the growing needs of Sacramento County—a county in which nearly 20 percent of all residents are food insecure, and almost 24 percent of residents lack affordable housing. The gap between the wealthy and the working poor continues to grow. Nearly 23 percent of children live in poverty.

That must change. And we won’t rest until it does.


Anna Cornelius found that SFBFS offered dignity, encouragement and acceptance. Today, she helps others just like we helped her.

Anna’s all-in. Are you?
