What you make


Technology Education Manager
SHAY SMITH working with a client.


Any success achieved was made possible by someone who went all-in.

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS) is made up of an army of people—both paid professionals and passionate volunteers—who have committed to working alongside our fellow neighbors. While the challenges often seem daunting, our Board of Directors, staff, donors and volunteers continue to uncover ways for us to be efficient in our work and more productive too.


This organization is truly committed not just to their mission—but our entire community.



Our Impact

We are seeing positive impacts all across Sacramento County.



seniors reached every month.


2.9 million

pounds of food distributed every month.



volunteer hours spent fighting hunger.


In 2022…

  • 34.3 million pounds of food was distributed.

  • Served an average of 240,799 people every month.

  • 11.7 million pounds of produce was distributed.

We could go on and on and on.

But numbers are only a part of our story. The impact donor contributions and volunteer hours have had on the clients we serve can be best understood by the people who receive the services. Below, you can meet Lorena, Anna and Ali.


Lorena’s all-in.

She was a newlywed in a new country. And Lorena will tell you, it was really hard.

Anna’s all-in.

Anna passes on the lessons of dignity and kindness in her work in the community.

Ali’s all-in.

His smile is as big as anyone else’s you will meet (except for those of his kids).


You'll find Geno Lopez everyday doing the heavy lifting of thousands of pounds of food so that hungry families get the food they need.

Geno’s all-in. Are you?
